Monday, December 05, 2005

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse / Mandy Moore photoshoot

It's time again to have a look at a new game on the PC. This time it's definitely something unique and special. How does this sound? A third-person zombie simulator filled with brain-eating and humor? It sounds weird and it is. After all, It's not meant to be "dead" serious. I'm talking about Wideload's latest game "Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse". You begin the game as a low-level zombie without any special powers, but through eating brains of humans you learn special zombie skills like throwing your arms & limbs at enemies or release gas clouds.

You can also create and give commands to other zombies. By controlling them as a group you can use them as an offensive weapon or let them shield you from human attacks. Stubbs is using the famous Halo engine to create the environments but the game's strong point is the music and sounds effects. The game is out now so check out Wideload's official homepage for more information or Gamespot for a review.

From zombies to something more beautiful. I recently found this photoshoot of american singer and actress Mandy Moore. The pictures are of excellent quality. Read more about Mandy on IMDB.

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